Showing posts with label berries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label berries. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2012

For The Mamas & the Papas: Blackberry infused vodka

Summer is wrapping up, but I have had one summer project in the works that I forgot about...and just rediscovered. Earlier in the summer, I went to Butler's Orchard and picked a bunch of fresh blackberries. I ate a bunch, used some to make Basil Blackberry Jam, a basil and blackberry salad with goat cheese and I also topped toast with the fruit to lower added sugars (I only use jam occasionally). I even froze some and later used those to make Berry Compote. Lots of blackberry deliciousness, but I forgot I had one last project up my sleeve...I had infused vodka with blackberries!

This project is so easy! You pour vodka into a larger jar, add your fresh berries and let infuse for at least a week (I had it in the cupboard for at bit longer). Strain out the fruit and add some sugar. That's it! The fresh, sun ripened flavor of the fruit is perfectly preserved in the liquor. Try is simply over ice, with a splash of seltzer or ginger ale or in any number of cocktails. I can't wait to try some different mixers!

Note: most of my produce scraps (except for citrus or onions) go into my worm bin composter. I refrained from adding the left over fruit from this project as I didn't know what the proper drinking age is for worms...didn't want to get the little guys drunk :)

If you want something fancy to infuse or serve your vodka in, or to make a big batch of punch in, this glass infuser was well reviewed on amazon and is eligible for prime shipping. When I have my own house, I'd love something like this :)

Blackberry infused vodka
1 small (750ml) of vodka (nothing fancy)
2-3 cups of fresh berries (frozen doesn't work well)
1/2 - 1 cup sugar
  1. Give berries a quick rinse. Place in your large container - any glass jar with a tight fitting lid works well. Pour in your vodka.
  2. Screw lid on tightly and place jar in a dark place and let infuse for 1 week or longer - depending on when you remember about your project :)
  3. Strain fruit from your vodka and add sugar to taste. I thought 1/2 cup was sufficient, but many other recipes online called for more. Up to you!
I used a huge jar that used to hold artichoke hearts - Reduce, reuse, recycle, right?
The soaked berries look pretty weird!
Add sugar to your taste buds!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm :)

Reader poll: What is your favorite cocktail? How would you use fruit infused vodka?

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Fruit "Ice-Creams" more delicious treats

Strawberry-Banana "Ice-cream"

This is such a cool trick! Using frozen fruit and your food processor, we make a ice-cream-like treat that satisfies your sweet tooth without ruining your healthy eating plans!

Low-cal Sundae!
This is a follow up to the original recipe that used only banana; most taste testers loved it, but my dad thought it was too "banana-y", which isn't surprising as it was the only ingredient! For this version, I made two batches; one with half strawberries and half banana, one with banana flavored with cocoa powder and vanilla. I scooped both flavors in a cute dish and topped it like a sundae with sliced strawberries and mini chocolate chips. Delish!

Simply freeze fruit of choice; bananas work well, but so do strawberries, mangoes, peaches and more!

Place fruit in food processor (most blenders won't cut it for this recipe) and puree until smooth and creamy. Some fruits might need a splash of milk, but plain bananas will not. Add flavors if you wish, such as cocoa powder, peanut butter, vanilla extract or cinnamon.

Scoop into your dish and add toppings if you like, or enjoy plain!

Freeze fruit
Half-way there!

Creamy and delicious "ice-cream"; thick enough to scoop!

Do you have a food processor in your kitchen? They're such a great tool to have and last for years. This one is well rated on amazon and is Amazon Prime eligible.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Breakfast of Champions: Baked peanut butter and berry french toast

Breakfast of Champions: Baked peanut butter and berry french toast

French toast is a great way to turn stale bread into something extraordinary; and making baked french toast gets the work done the night before and you away from the stove. Baked french toast is a great brunch idea and is also a healthy and filling breakfast to have throughout the week.

For this recipe I started with a foundation of whole grain bread and bumped up the eggs from traditional recipes. More eggs means more protein and will keep you going until lunch. Try to find eggs from your farmers market so that you're getting eggs from happy hens and that are more nutritionally dense.

For this recipe, I cubed the bread; I like having it this way so that it makes it easier to select the portion you need. If this is a part of a brunch menu, you probably want smaller pieces. But if this is the main dish for breakfast, you're going to want a bigger piece.

Allergic to peanuts? Try almond butter instead. Allergic to almond too? Poor thing: try soy nut butter.

Baked peanut butter and berry french toast
Serves four; easily doubled - use 13x9 pan
  • 4 slices of your favorite whole grain bread
  • 4 eggs
  • 3/4 cup low-fat milk or plant based milk (soy, coconut)
  • 1/4 cup non-hydrogenated peanut butter
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen berries (thawed)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray square pan with non-stick cooking spray
  2. Cube bread and place into prepared pan
  3. Using a whisk, mix together eggs, peanut butter, milk, vanilla and cinnamon in a medium sized bowl. It doesn't have to be smooth, I like having small chunks of peanut butter.
  4. Pour egg mixture over bread cubes. Top with berries (stopping here you can pop this in the fridge instead and bake in the morning)
  5. Pop into the oven and bake until egg custard is set; about 40 minutes. When is it done? The french toast will pull away from the pan a bit, the top will be browned and the whole thing will puff up a bit. Also, a knife stuck into the center will be pretty clean
Get your ingredients together!

Cubed whole grain bread

Peanut butter batter to soak the bread cubes
Berries on top!

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I like the pan below because it comes with a cover; this makes it easier to take this dish for an office party or brunch as your friends house! And if you don't have a whisk, it is a great kitchen tool!

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